Sunday, April 11, 2010

" me your grades!"

i am really loving that Haven can tell me what she does in the Jacob's Well Loft. her class is made up of 3, 4 & 5 year olds. they start out in a big circle and sing a song. so she taught us the words the other day and the last line she sang was "show us your grades". Adam and i looked at each other and just started cracking up. i asked her if it was supposed to be "grace" and she said "No, it's grades". tonight while i was putting her to bed, she started singing it again and sure enough! "show me your grades"! so funny!! she also told me tonight about the calming feather. i had totally forgot about that! when they need the kids to calm down and be quiet, they choose one kid to go around the circle with the "calming feather" and tought each kid with it and make them magically quiet. sounds silly, but it really works! i got to sit in on one of her classes once and the kids took this thing so seriously! so she told me tonight about the boy that got to do the calming feather today. each kid also has their own prayer blanket and she told me that she was dragging it on the floor and one of the teachers told her to pick it up...but she had this tone like "can you believe they told me to pick it up?!?" that kid and her tones!
another funny thing she has started is telling on mommy and daddy. last night, as we were leaving Planet Sub, she asked me for a drink of my soda. i told her no, because i knew she had already had some and i don't like her to have very much. so she turns to Adam and says "Daddy, mommy isn't obeying me!" wow. that kid has some nerve!! Adam and i laughed about that for quite a while!
Maelie is shaping up to be one busy kid. she just doesn't sit still! she is almost totally off of formula (YAY!!) and is starting to not make that nasty face when i give her milk. her hair continues to get curlier and is so strange! i am already getting anxiety attacks just wondering about how i am going to handle her hair as she gets older! Haven's is so easy....perfectly worries. but curls?? what do i know about curls?? this should be interesting!
i think i am totally ready for her birthday. i have the invitations made and sent, cupcake mixes bought, cupcake toppers ready, custom made iron on that reads "Maelie is One!" bought, gift bags ready, presents purchased... what else am i forgetting?? i still can't believe this year has flown by so fast! she is totally in full cruising mode. i think she is going to get brave enough to start letting go any day now!
she has started waving hi and byebye and gives high fives too! i started trying to teach her how to blow kisses tonight, but wasn't too successful. repitition is the key, so we will resume tomorrow!
overall, they are completely perfect girls and that make me laugh (and groan!) every day! i can't wait to see what comes out of Haven's mouth tomorrow and look forward to MaeMae getting brave and taking off at a full run!

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