Thursday, August 20, 2009 should spray some capri's!

so...i can't believe that it has already been a month since i have last recorded tidbits of my girls' lives. well, actually, i kind of can. i am astonished that i haven't given up completely. this last month has been so busy...Adam got a new job, Mae is trying to cut some teeth, Haven is...well...Haven, we went car shopping. i should not be surprised by the hectic schedule the 4 of us keep. i am just growing tired of it, i guess.
Haven is now 39 months old. (can i stop using months already? that's a lot of math to do in my head!!) her vocabulary is spectacular! just this morning, while on my way to work, she was telling me all about the 'fish place', a.k.a. Bass Pro. Adam apparently took them there a couple of weeks ago while i was working. she told me all about the escalators and how you could see everything from way up high, even the waterfalls. she seriously amazes me with everything she remembers about everything and how she can describe things in such a vivid manner. perhaps i will have my vocab nerd after all.
the best thing about having a 3 year old, i have decided, is most definately the conversations. her crazy obsession with talking like a robot, trying to repeat commercials, even just making up a silly story....all things i love and am afraid i will forget. the funniest thing i think she has said this week was trying to repeat what she heard on TV. she saw a commercial for Febreeze. about 10 minutes later, she comes up to me and says "it smells like some coconuts in here. you should spray some capri's!" i had no idea what she was talking about at first, but then she got a really silly smile on her face and i somehow made the connection to the commercial. what a funny funny girl!
Mae is doing fabulously at (almost) 4 months! we are still suffering through her bouts of panic when - gasp! - someone absentmindedly puts her down. she will scream and scream until she is picked up. then she will let out a little whimper or two and then - success! a happy baby! i am just calling her a people person. :o) poor Mae! she so desperately wants to roll over. and has done so a time or two with the assistance of a feather mattress and a living room pillow. soon she will do this feat soley on her own! she still will not tolerate a binky. instead she prefers her fist. especially now that she is teething...she will cram that chunky little hand in her bulbous little cheeks and chomp away. i had to move her up to size 3 diapers this week, soley due to the fact that size 2's were getting quite snug around the waist. at least i don't have to worry about her gaining weight! she has an appointment with Dr. Veenstra next week and i am considering taking bets for how much she will weigh in. any takers?
she is sitting up in the Bumbo seat like a pro and loves to hang out in the Boppy gym, batting away at all the toys Haven hooks on there. Haven really likes to entertain her...the other night, Haven found that if she made a funny strawberry-esque noise, Maelie will scream with glee. this activity went on for at least 15 minutes straight! hilarious entertainment, indeed!
i can't believe the last 4 months have flown by so fast. i think our time with Mae is passing much quicker than it did with Haven...possibly because there are more distractions around! overall the last month has been a triumph for the Timberlakes. Adam with his new job, Haven learning new things every day, Maelie changing and growing every second, and me...loving being a mom all over again.

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