Monday, July 6, 2009

...beans, beans, and more beans!

my mom is here today, which is pretty nice. it gives me a break from solo parenting. although i only solo parent for 3 days a week, saturdays and mondays are pretty rough. adam works a 6am-10pm shift, so i am it for the entire day. it normally isn't so bad, but since Mae has joined us, i have found it harder due to middle of the night feedings and such. so my mom came to hang out. that means i have 4 dogs in the back yard! 3 1/2 of them are niece Anna's dog is 1/2 Boston and he goes everywhere they go...just like my mom's Boston Lily. so my dogs will be worn out tonight! and so will Haven. she and Anna always play super hard. so far today, they have played with the Dr. kit, played dolls, both run around with the little broom (why do kids find brooms fun??), played in the backyard, had lunch, played with the puppet theater, fought over a get the idea! Mae is loving being held with no complaints from the holder. Grandma latched onto her right after she walked in the door and hasn't really let go since! Mae has been a happy girl today, smiling and cooing at Grandma. while in the backyard, Grandma
noticed that we needed to pick some of our green beans. so pick we did. i haven't done that in quite a while. and we got a lot!! the whole point of Grandma coming was for me to have time to be crafty, so i need to go do that. plus, i think i hear 2 girls jumping a bed!

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